Osirix dicom viewer risk analysis
Osirix dicom viewer risk analysis

osirix dicom viewer risk analysis

Vendors of medical displays promise a better diagnostic performance using 10- or 11-bit instead of 8-bit monochrome displays. The EBT CTA technique is a very reliable tool for evaluation of aortic disease and pulmonary vessels. The identification of intraluminal emboli and mural thrombi has improved. Compared with helical CT, EBT CTA offers a shorter scan time, which allows higher contrast enhancement in pulmonary vessels. The EBT CTA technique proved to be very well suited excellent suitability for evaluation of pulmonary vessels. In large scan volumes overlapping image reconstruction demonstrated better resolution along the z-axis than is available with helical CT. Maximum intensity projection and shaded surface display reconstruction demonstrated the relation between aneurysm and aortic branches very well due to an excellent resolution along the z-axis. Coeliac axis, superior and inferior mesenteric artery, renal and lumbar arteries were visualised in all cases.

osirix dicom viewer risk analysis

High- and homogeneous density values were achieved along the whole course of the vessels the mean density in the aorta was > 240 HU. The EBT CTA technique was performed in 155 patients. Study protocols for five different clinical applications of EBT CTA were established and evaluated. One hundred forty images per study can be acquired in 17 s using 3-mm collimation and overlapping image reconstruction.

#Osirix dicom viewer risk analysis software

An Evolution XP EBT scanner with a new software version (12.34) was used.

osirix dicom viewer risk analysis

The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of electron beam tomography (EBT) with fast continuous volume scanning for CT angiography (CTA) in chest and abdomen. The forthcoming second article will address the risk analysis for examinations with ionizing radiation and will present recommendations for typical clinical imaging problems. The present article describes the legal requirements in Germany, the technical exposure and pharmacological risks for the pregnant woman and the fetus regarding imaging modalities with and without ionizing radiation. Finally, this medical check defines the imaging modality and the necessary protocol and contrast media. Even for methods without ionizing radiation possible limitations in the use for pregnant women must be discussed. For pregnant patients the potential exposure to the mother and the fetus related to the imaging modality selected as well as the effects of the necessary contrast media must be taken into account. These are related to either pregnant patients or staff members or the questions are centered on the fetus as a patient. In a radiology department there are frequently asked questions associated with pregnant and breast feeding women. Along with other current developments the basis of secure regional teleradiology networks is now built up. To realize the intended improvement of patient care measurements for quality assurance concerning the medical personnel and processes are necessary. An exception of the demand for a doctor trained in radiation protection at the point of examination shall be established for emergency cases. At an expert meeting (Mannheim, ) a proposal for a teleradiology article in the new German x-ray ordinance has been set up. Legal prerequisites have substantial influence on the development of teleradiology. Zusammen mit anderen aktuellen Entwicklungen wird die Basis einer sicheren regionalen Teleradiologievernetzung geschaffen. der beteiligten Personen und des Prozesses von Indikationsstellung bis Befundung notwendig. Um die beabsichtigte Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung zu erreichen, sind qualitätssichernde Vorgaben bzgl. Ziel ist eine Ausnahmeregelung von der Forderung nach der ärztlichen Strahlenschutzfachkunde vor Ort bei Notfallröntgenuntersuchungen. Bei einem Expertentreffen Teleradiologie (Mannheim, ) wurden detaillierte Vorschläge zu den Inhalten eines Teleradiologieparagraphen in der neuen Röntgenverordnung erstellt. ABSTRACT Die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflussen wesentlich die Entwicklung der Teleradiologie.

Osirix dicom viewer risk analysis